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A good effort! Brilliant!

Boom-Trikes, UK   (Worsely, Manchester, United Kingdom)

UK trike company. Says it all!

Hi Phil,

Thank you for the download link. All went well as expected. Thanks for the courtesy extended to me as well as the speedily response to my initial e-mail. It is much appreciated and recommendable.

Sarel E. (Durban, Rep. South Africa)



My guide arrived today. Checked it out on the computer and I just have to tell you that it is Fantastic, Awesome, Great. You name it and that'll be it. I'm very pleased and look forward to building the American version of Big Yella.

Thanks Again.
Evil Ernie (Sellersburg, Indiana, USA)


Hi There Phil,


Thank you very much for the swift delivery of the CD. I have had a look through it and I am very impressed. This CD is going to be an enormous help.


Regards and Respect

George A (Kells, Ballymena, N. Ireland)

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 A Definitive guide

CONTENTS: Sub-section removal Frame construction Drum to disc brake conversion Hanging Pedal Assembly Brake, Hydraulics How to fiberglass Making a fender plug and mold Making fiberglass fenders Re-building a VW1600 engine (overview) Engine tune-up & troubleshooting Overhauling a 34PICT carburettor Gearbox basics .....plus lots more.

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Simple. Hard cover books get torn, dirty and misplaced in a workshop environment.
A digital version allows customers to print any or all reference pages as required.
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'The DIYer's Definitive Guide to Building a Custom Volkswagen Trike' contains Big Yella engineering drawings and schematics (no freehand sketches) for building your frame and front end. Included are AutoCad files so you can have your parts professionally profile cut to save time.

This guide explains how to build your own Big Yella.

Professionally produced with simple to follow directions, 'The DIYer's Definitive Guide to Building a Custom Volkswagen Trike' is essential if you want to build a VW trike or need to know how BEFORE you start. This guide shows all the how-to-do's and do-not's and contains information you won't find on the internet and 'Pro' shops won't tell you.

Guarantee: 'The DIYer's Definitive Guide to Building a Custom Volkswagen Trike' will save you valuable time, money and remains a permanent source of reference.

Disclaimer: The information provided in 'The DIYer's Definitive Guide to Building a Custom Volkswagen Trike' and associated instructions is a guide. The owners of this site and/or anyone associated with this site cannot be held responsible for any injury or loss of life to any person or persons or property damage as a result of using information displayed or purchased from this site